Solutions today for reefs tomorrow
The basic living unit of the class Anthozoa (further subdivided into subclass Hexacorallia, which includes stony corals, and subclass Octocorallia, which includes soft corals) is the polyp. Polyps can occur either singularly, as in the case of anenomes, or can form colonies, as they do in stony and soft corals.
This section is dedicated to providing the essentials of coral biology focusing on the structure and function of these organisms.
Browse the pages below for more detailed information on coral biology:
Learn about all of the components of the coral skeleton and the different morphologies that it can display
Learn about how corals use different reproductive modes to overcome their immobility
The CDHC is a network of scientists, managers, and agency representatives devoted to understanding coral health and disease.
Funding support provided by NOAA CRCP
Web hosting by NOAA NCCOS
Coral Disease and Health Consortium
Hollings Marine Laboratory
331 Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, SC 29412 USA